So Brutus came in for exam…doing fine except has lost some weight. PE was normal except slight fullness to abdomen..
Lab Work: Normal EXCEPT for 150,000 WBC Count w/ 82% Lymphocytes.
U/S: Large splenic mass; I feel the liver has a finer echotexture and is generally hyperechoic…and the Left kidney cortex looks “off” to me???
Did FNA of spleen mass and Liver and Popliteal LN (Only slightly enlarged) and these are pending IDEXX. My quick look sure looked like lymphocytes in the spleen and liver…but I’ll leave the interpretation to the experts.
So Brutus came in for exam…doing fine except has lost some weight. PE was normal except slight fullness to abdomen..
Lab Work: Normal EXCEPT for 150,000 WBC Count w/ 82% Lymphocytes.
U/S: Large splenic mass; I feel the liver has a finer echotexture and is generally hyperechoic…and the Left kidney cortex looks “off” to me???
Did FNA of spleen mass and Liver and Popliteal LN (Only slightly enlarged) and these are pending IDEXX. My quick look sure looked like lymphocytes in the spleen and liver…but I’ll leave the interpretation to the experts.
My question…can lymphoma appear like this in the spleen as compared to a more generalize change??
Interesting case! Is Brutis
Interesting case! Is Brutis a Bulldog by any chance?
The splenic lymphoma case I had (turned out to be Stage 5 Lymphoma/Leukemia), had a similar high Lymphocyte count. The spleen looked like that classically described “Honeycomb” appearance diffusely throughout.
If the Liver lymphoma came first and the spleen was a secondary site…. maybe it could look like that?? Just guessing.
As the dog is fairly
As the dog is fairly asymptomatic could be dealing with chronic lymphocyctic leukemia with splenic infiltration. Generaly dogs with stage V lymphoma or acute lymphoblastic leukemia are sick and show anemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia.
Round cell neoplasia can do
Round cell neoplasia can do this in addition to the honeycomb classic pattern expansive “white masses” (as they fna and biopsy whiter creamier samples as opposed to bloodier hsa/hematoma samples on fna) can do this and tend not to cavitate like hsa typically does to some extent in my experience. Moreover splenic infarcts secondary to lsa can also create avascular mass effects.
Thank you rlobetti and EL for
Thank you rlobetti and EL for the detailed info! Very interesting
Cytology came back for the
Cytology came back for the liver as being highly suspicious of small cell lymphosarcoma while the spleen showed lymhoid hyperplasia although they didn’t rule out the possibility of neoplasia.
thx for th followup sam im
thx for th followup sam im betting on lsa on spleen as well. A good chemo protocol will reduce this mass without sx since its in the liver.
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