
Sonopath Forum

  • 10 year old FN Golden Retriever with persistent polycythemia (HCT approx 70%) and depression
  • Cardiac exam and thoracic radiographs normal
  • Are these kidneys normal? I can see nodules in some images but not sure if I am overinterpreting??
  • Could there be increased EPO production from these kidneys?

  • 10 year old FN Golden Retriever with persistent polycythemia (HCT approx 70%) and depression
  • Cardiac exam and thoracic radiographs normal
  • Are these kidneys normal? I can see nodules in some images but not sure if I am overinterpreting??
  • Could there be increased EPO production from these kidneys?



look prretty nsf to me maybe

look prretty nsf to me maybe . abiut thick in th ecortices. Both round cell neoplasia and EPO producing tunmoors can cause polycyto. Check eisenmengers disease of the heart as well. reverse pda and vsd as well and cbc path review +/- bone marrow to rule out neoplasia.


Also run a EPO as this will

Also run a EPO as this will narrow the differential diagnoses – if high then you have a EPO tumor/hypoxia and if low then polycthemia vera.




Thank you.

Thank you.

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