pericard.tamponade and arritmia

Sonopath Forum

pericard.tamponade and arritmia

Dear All,

This is an 8 year old dog-( a really kind one!)- where severe pericard tamponade without arritmia was noted for 1 month. I punctioned the pericardium, and removed 3 dl blood ( the dog is small sized). The cytology found possible carcinoma, but with low ( 60%) specificity. The dog received 2 weeks prednisolone treatement-got much better.

abdomen US: negative, Thorax Xray: negative for metastases

Dear All,

This is an 8 year old dog-( a really kind one!)- where severe pericard tamponade without arritmia was noted for 1 month. I punctioned the pericardium, and removed 3 dl blood ( the dog is small sized). The cytology found possible carcinoma, but with low ( 60%) specificity. The dog received 2 weeks prednisolone treatement-got much better.

abdomen US: negative, Thorax Xray: negative for metastases

But after 2 weeks the tamponade did came back- only 1 dl was removed. But on ultrasound i detected some arritmia also ( which was not found 1 month ago)-picture attached.

On echo I dont see any tumor, and all the other heart parameters are within normal limit.

What do You think: what causes the arritmia? should i give medicine for it? which one?

The dog is on pred again- but i dont see- how i could give this 8 year old dog a long(er)life… The owners would do anything.

Would You suggest any heart medication/ pericardectomy?






I wuld define the cytology

I wuld define the cytology further. Cytospin the pc sample and slide the sediment out right away for a cleaner more definitive read. Scan the abdomen for any other neoplastic scenarios to sample as well. If all clean then pericardectomy is the next step. The rt aur/rvfw are a little irregular and should be watched for further development but i dont see a mass. Chest CT wiht contrast is another option.


Intra-pericardial carcinoma

Intra-pericardial carcinoma would be an unsual diagnosis. With recurrent pericardial effusion pericardectomy is indicated to stop cardiac tamponade, this will also allow for better visualization and the ability of sending the pericardium for histopathology. Thoracic CT may be a helpful non-invasive modulaity in determining the possibity of a pericardial tumor. 

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