Pancreas – enlarged? pancreatitis? diabetes? Help!!

Sonopath Forum

Pancreas – enlarged? pancreatitis? diabetes? Help!!

9yo Pomeranian MN – presented at rDVM for acute onset blindness of 1 week duration.   Current medication was 5mg prednisone once a week for collapsing trachea last given 9 days ago. 

9yo Pomeranian MN – presented at rDVM for acute onset blindness of 1 week duration.   Current medication was 5mg prednisone once a week for collapsing trachea last given 9 days ago. 

  • CBC: high retiulocytes, platelets, MPV, PCT
  • Chemistry: very high glucose 35 (3-8); mildly high BUN 11 (2.5-9.6), mildly high liver enzymes
  • SDMA normal
  • Fructosamine pending
  • Urinalysis: USG 1.044, pH 5, Pro 2+, Glu 4+, Ket2+

The right limb of the pancreas is uniformly hypoechoic without nodules and surrouding hyperechoic mesenteric fat with no definition.  The duodenum is corrugated.  Left limb of the pancreas is also hypoechoic with surrounding hyperechoic mesenteric fat but not as easilyvisualized as the right limb.  Adrenal glands are normal.  CBD is normal.  There are no enlarged adbominal lymph nodes.  The spleen is diffusely mottled but not enlarged.


Is this chronic pancreatitis or neoplastic or something else?  Is the spleen more than probable lymphoid hyperplasia?  The rDVM is discussing obtaining samples with the owner.  Thank you in advance.



The appearance of the

The appearance of the pancreas is indicative of chronic pancreatitis – is ther abdominal pain/pain with probe pressure over the pancreas and/or vomiting/diarrhea/anorexia? If present them there is an active pancreatitis. Would run cPl/PSL.

Spleen most likley reactive hyperplasia but would do FNA cytology to rule out neoplasia/splenitis.

Clinical presentation is typical for diabetes mellitus. 


No vomiting or diarrhea and

No vomiting or diarrhea and still eating well surprsingly.  Lots of pain over the pancreatic region while scanning.  cPL was negative.  Thank you for your feedback, this is my first post and was very helpful!!  I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something in that pancreas!

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