
Sonopath Forum

Dear Team!

This is a 8 weeks old am. staffordshire.

Suddenly he developped sever ascites ( without previous symptomps)

he has modified transsudate ascites, gallbladder wall oedema, hepatic congestion, dilateted v. cava caud.

With cardilogic exam I found left and right sided CHF- without any congenital defect ( normal aorta, a. pulmonalis velocities, no sign of ASD, VSD, PDA)

severe arritmia, severe TR, severe myocardial dysfunction- poor FS- 26%, and big EPSS: 8,2 mm

My question is: What can cause this? Parvovirus infection?

Dear Team!

This is a 8 weeks old am. staffordshire.

Suddenly he developped sever ascites ( without previous symptomps)

he has modified transsudate ascites, gallbladder wall oedema, hepatic congestion, dilateted v. cava caud.

With cardilogic exam I found left and right sided CHF- without any congenital defect ( normal aorta, a. pulmonalis velocities, no sign of ASD, VSD, PDA)

severe arritmia, severe TR, severe myocardial dysfunction- poor FS- 26%, and big EPSS: 8,2 mm

My question is: What can cause this? Parvovirus infection?

Now the puppy is on tripple therapy- getting better.

Is there any chance to cure this dog? ( I have never seen such a failure in a 8 weeks old puppy)

Thank You!




Given this is a stafforsdhire

Given this is a stafforsdhire I have seen many of these with parvovirus myocarditis but technically many things can do it. Some dies some go on for a while. One in a litter like this was fine 2 years out. Any parvo in the litter or history?

I would triiple tx here (tho I never have in this young of a dog…and run a taurine level and supplement taurine and carnitine and cover with an Ab.

Maybe I can get Peter on this thread…


I completely agree with


I completely agree with Eric. Myocarditis is likely, although other forms of cardiomyopathy are also possible. Poor dog, I don’t think he’ll live very long.

You could check Troponin I. If very high, myocarditis is possible, if not too high, myocarditis cannot be ruled out, though. With myocarditis, it should decrease when the inflammation gets better. Any other signs of systemic infection? Bloods? CRP?

Triple therapy or quadruple therapy is indicated. If it is arrhythmic, I would address this too.



I am sorry for this
I am sorry for this dog-
Despite the tripple therapy he died today at home.
Thank You for advice!

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