This dog had acute onset vomiting and marked renal azotemia that has responded to fluid therapy very well. Inactive sediment. Lepto snap negative. How would you describe these kidneys?
This dog had acute onset vomiting and marked renal azotemia that has responded to fluid therapy very well. Inactive sediment. Lepto snap negative. How would you describe these kidneys?
Multifocal non obstructive
Multifocal non obstructive corticomedullary nephrocalcinosis.
According to berent et al stones up to 3 mm will pass from kidneys to ub as long as the ureters are functional. So if there is periodic anorexia and stones like this the patient may have passed a stone and is now non obstructive. Depends on when you scan the patient if you cathc it during the obstructive stage or not.
Ok, thank you. I did not
Ok, thank you. I did not think the kidneys looked like there were chronic changes. Do you agree?
no nothing looks chronic here
no nothing looks chronic here just a bunch of BBs