Medical marijuana for cats?

Sonopath Forum

Medical marijuana for cats?

So my sister’s cat has been diagnosed with metastatic carcinoma, primary mass in nose or naropharynx. Is on Palladia, along with mirtazpine, cerenia, pepcid. Has stopped eating in the past 2-3 days (he is anemic, 19.5% last check on Dec 14, nonregenerative. Was decided that anesthesia for CT to exactly delineate the mass/metastases was too risky. Of coarse very noisy breathing which is position dependent), and my sister is wondering whether to bother further with the mirtazapine, or to give the Palladia.

So my sister’s cat has been diagnosed with metastatic carcinoma, primary mass in nose or naropharynx. Is on Palladia, along with mirtazpine, cerenia, pepcid. Has stopped eating in the past 2-3 days (he is anemic, 19.5% last check on Dec 14, nonregenerative. Was decided that anesthesia for CT to exactly delineate the mass/metastases was too risky. Of coarse very noisy breathing which is position dependent), and my sister is wondering whether to bother further with the mirtazapine, or to give the Palladia. I told her to contact her oncologist – but in the meantime I was wondering – Does anyone have any experience with medical marijuana for cats? Does it stimulate appetite? or is it primarily for pain? 



No experience with it. Its

No experience with it. Its main use is for pain and inflammation reduction. I cannot find anything published in the scientific press about its use in cats. In the lay press it is used/recommended for old cats with  joint disease, supporting the immune system and to maintaining a healthy GI tract but does state that it is not a cure-all and should not replace prescribed medications.

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