Maine coon controll

Sonopath Forum

Maine coon controll

This is the controll of the cat, Stuki( after 2 weeks furosemide) The pericardial effusion has nearly wanished, the pleural effusion also. Culture negative. Corona negative.

-i have never seen in the liver such a congestion ( the bloood flow is so low-that i can see the cells turbulating in the liver) The ascites is still present.

-the v.cava is still huge

-i still don’t understand what is causing the dilatation in the v.cava- only small pericard. effusion, not right heart failure…

-if this is a malformation-do You think it might be a surgical case?

This is the controll of the cat, Stuki( after 2 weeks furosemide) The pericardial effusion has nearly wanished, the pleural effusion also. Culture negative. Corona negative.

-i have never seen in the liver such a congestion ( the bloood flow is so low-that i can see the cells turbulating in the liver) The ascites is still present.

-the v.cava is still huge

-i still don’t understand what is causing the dilatation in the v.cava- only small pericard. effusion, not right heart failure…

-if this is a malformation-do You think it might be a surgical case?

-i can see the end of the diaphragm- and maybe i also see a small hole between the pericardium and the abdomen. Maybe possible small PPDH?


Thank You for Your help- and sorry for the long case-just i don’t know what to tell to the owners..( prognosis, solution..)




Boy that second video looks

Boy that second video looks like somethign out of a monster movie!!:) Looks like a need foe plavix. I can’t tell what the obstruction is due to. CT maybe?


There is really a monster in
There is really a monster in that cat!:)
Is on Plavix already. I will send them to CT:)

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