Lung neoplasia?

Sonopath Forum

Lung neoplasia?

– 11 yr old MN Wheaton Terrier presented for a fairly acute onset of laboured breathing

– x-rays showed marked pleural effusion

– plerual effusion seen on u/s as well as a consolidated cranial lung lobe with nodular margins and distoration of normal lung tissue (tumour-like)

– would this fit more of a neoplastic lung lobe presentation (carcinoma) vs pneumonia vs lung lobe torsion (would hate to miss this)

– unfortuntately owners opted to euthanize so I did not get a chance to sample fluid or perform biopsy


– 11 yr old MN Wheaton Terrier presented for a fairly acute onset of laboured breathing

– x-rays showed marked pleural effusion

– plerual effusion seen on u/s as well as a consolidated cranial lung lobe with nodular margins and distoration of normal lung tissue (tumour-like)

– would this fit more of a neoplastic lung lobe presentation (carcinoma) vs pneumonia vs lung lobe torsion (would hate to miss this)

– unfortuntately owners opted to euthanize so I did not get a chance to sample fluid or perform biopsy




With the acute onset, pleural

With the acute onset, pleural effusion and the US appearance, would lean more towards a lung lobe torsion. 


Wouldn’t a lung lobe torsion
Wouldn’t a lung lobe torsion have a more homogeneous echo texture with smoother lung margins?


Wouldn’t a lung lobe torsion
Wouldn’t a lung lobe torsion have a more homogeneous echo texture with smoother lung margins?


It should unless there is

It should unless there is undelying lung pathology that may have predisposed the lobe to torse.


You can have LLT with

You can have LLT with concurrent neoplasia… its an anchor twisting on itself. If the fluid is bloody i would be more concerned for LLT.

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