Lung neoplasia?

Sonopath Forum

Lung neoplasia?

– 11 yr old MN Wheaton Terrier presented for a fairly acute onset of laboured breathing

– x-rays showed marked pleural effusion

– plerual effusion seen on u/s as well as a consolidated cranial lung lobe with nodular margins and distoration of normal lung tissue (tumour-like)

– would this fit more of a neoplastic lung lobe presentation (carcinoma) vs pneumonia vs lung lobe torsion (would hate to miss this)

– unfortuntately owners opted to euthanize so I did not get a chance to sample fluid or perform biopsy


– 11 yr old MN Wheaton Terrier presented for a fairly acute onset of laboured breathing

– x-rays showed marked pleural effusion

– plerual effusion seen on u/s as well as a consolidated cranial lung lobe with nodular margins and distoration of normal lung tissue (tumour-like)

– would this fit more of a neoplastic lung lobe presentation (carcinoma) vs pneumonia vs lung lobe torsion (would hate to miss this)

– unfortuntately owners opted to euthanize so I did not get a chance to sample fluid or perform biopsy


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