Lung Lesion

Sonopath Forum

– 11 year FS Lab Retriever presented for cough and mild weight loss; cbc and biochem unremarkable

– chest rads show a mass/consolidated lung in right cranial lobe

– thoracic ultrsound shows a hypoechoic lesion cranial to the heart with embedded gas echos

– this looks very mass-like scanning from the left side, but from right has the angular shape of a lung lobe and appears “hepatized”

– colour Doppler was not possible due to profuse panting of the patient

– no pleural or pericardial fluid seen (rDVM did put pet on lasix and pred prior to scan)

– 11 year FS Lab Retriever presented for cough and mild weight loss; cbc and biochem unremarkable

– chest rads show a mass/consolidated lung in right cranial lobe

– thoracic ultrsound shows a hypoechoic lesion cranial to the heart with embedded gas echos

– this looks very mass-like scanning from the left side, but from right has the angular shape of a lung lobe and appears “hepatized”

– colour Doppler was not possible due to profuse panting of the patient

– no pleural or pericardial fluid seen (rDVM did put pet on lasix and pred prior to scan)

– quick scan of heart did not reveal evidence of cardiac tumour

My differentials would be consolidated right cranial lung lobe (infection, neoplasia, torsion); least likely mediastinal mass(LN,thymoma)

Any thoughts? Also, would you FNA this? I would be concerned about creating a pneumothorax due to the likely presence of air in this lesion.

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