Liver mass or lipoma?

Sonopath Forum

Liver mass or lipoma?

Hello, what is this mass please?

-15 year old FN Cairn Terrier

– Previously controlled diabetic that is now hypoglycaemic despite stopping insulin. 

– I cannot see any pancreatitc masses

– There is a left adrenal mass

Hello, what is this mass please?

-15 year old FN Cairn Terrier

– Previously controlled diabetic that is now hypoglycaemic despite stopping insulin. 

– I cannot see any pancreatitc masses

– There is a left adrenal mass

– There is a separate hypoechoic liver nodule in right liver

– I am wondering about the mass that is cointinuous with the liver but more rounded and hyperechoic, is this a lipoma?



This is a falciform fat

This is a falciform fat lipoma in architecture and clearly separated by the hepatic serosa…. the liver has a vac hepatopathy look to it with nodular hyperplasia pattern and minimal deviation from the remaining architecture. 22 gauge needles to confirm suspicion of course. Nice image set.

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