Liver disease

Sonopath Forum

  • 14 year old FN Bichon Frise with inappetance, appearing in pain and previous episode of ataxia
  • Bloods – moderately elevated liver enzymes, no evidence of dysfunction
  • Heterogenous and irregular contour to liver, heterogenous spleen, scarring to pancreas but no pain on exam
  • How would you interpret and describe this liver please?

  • 14 year old FN Bichon Frise with inappetance, appearing in pain and previous episode of ataxia
  • Bloods – moderately elevated liver enzymes, no evidence of dysfunction
  • Heterogenous and irregular contour to liver, heterogenous spleen, scarring to pancreas but no pain on exam
  • How would you interpret and describe this liver please?



generalized hepatomegaly with

generalized hepatomegaly with multifocal isochoic macronodular changes and increased portal markings suggestive for chronic inflammation and fibrosis yet relatively mild. Bile acid profile to assess functional deficit and core biopsy reccomended. Mild potential for round cell neoplasia.


Thanks EL. 

Thanks EL. 

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