Liver and stomach mass

Sonopath Forum

Liver and stomach mass

  • 9 year old FN Cairn Terrier with decreased appetite and vomiting
  • Focal wall thickening in stomach – tried to sample but was difficut to reach, results pending, concerned for carcinoma would you agree?
  • Large liver mass – fna taken, results pending, do you think this is a separate primary liver mass and could it be resectable?
  • There was also a smaller ill-defined nodule adjacent to the liver mass which I also sampled. 
  • Sorry for poor videos

  • 9 year old FN Cairn Terrier with decreased appetite and vomiting
  • Focal wall thickening in stomach – tried to sample but was difficut to reach, results pending, concerned for carcinoma would you agree?
  • Large liver mass – fna taken, results pending, do you think this is a separate primary liver mass and could it be resectable?
  • There was also a smaller ill-defined nodule adjacent to the liver mass which I also sampled. 
  • Sorry for poor videos



Liver mass could be hepatoma

Liver mass could be hepatoma but most likley would need a Tru-Cut/wedge biopsy for a final diagnosis. Gastric wall nodule most likley neoplastic nodule with a granuloma a differential diagnosis and also needs a biopsy for a diagnosis taken ideally from gastrotomy as gastroscopy may not be diagnosistic. Both liver and gastric lesions can be contributing to the clinical signs. Before taken further would screen for pulmonary metastatic disease.


Thanks Rob.
Results just

Thanks Rob.

Results just in

Liver – hepatocellular carcinoma 

Stomach – inconclusive

If thoracic rads were clear and patient went for occasional biopsy of stomach mass, do you think that mass occupying left side of liver would be respectable? And what is the prognosis with HCC? 


Although mass looks

Although mass looks infiltrative it may be contained within the lobe, and thus resection would be possible.

CT scan would be recommended to fully delinate the mass as well as pick up small metastatic nodules in the other liver lobes a well as the thorax.

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