4.5 month old MI Golden vomiting for 2 days, still wants to eat. Diarrhea with small amount of blood. Has been dewormed and fully vaccinated. Toddler in home. Corrugated ileum, thickened. Not 100% convinced there is linear material within the lumen. Rest of bowel looks ok other than thickened, empty descending colon. There is a scant amount of anechoic fluid nearby (not enough to sample yet). I’m starting medical treatment and rescanning in a few hours to see if it moves/resolves. Would love your opinion!
I see an unhealthy portion of small intestine with spasming and reactive surrounding fat but linear fb typically cause sharp turns and pleating which i dont see here and are usually anchored in the pylorus or base of tongue. Ex-lap wouldnt be wrong to resect this pathological intestine though. Intestinal inflammation and possible necrosis comes to mind here.
Thank you, Eric! We opted to treat him in the hospital medically. He showed significant improvement/less inflammation evident in the region about 20 hours after initial scan. Presumedly the aftermath of a foreign object that he passed earlier.