Kidney mass

Sonopath Forum

  • 6 (approx) year MN old harrier hound off form, haematuria
  • Bloods hypoalbuminaemia, hyperglobulinaemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis
  • Large right kidney mass, it seemed to have flow on doppler
  • FNA cytology: neutrophilic inflammation (rare epithelial cells seen with normal morphology) 
  • Do you think this is an abscess or sampling from a necrotic tumour?
  • In the second video there is a round hypoechoic structure caudal to the kidney, is this lymph node?
  • I presume the kidney would need to be removed regardless?

  • 6 (approx) year MN old harrier hound off form, haematuria
  • Bloods hypoalbuminaemia, hyperglobulinaemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis
  • Large right kidney mass, it seemed to have flow on doppler
  • FNA cytology: neutrophilic inflammation (rare epithelial cells seen with normal morphology) 
  • Do you think this is an abscess or sampling from a necrotic tumour?
  • In the second video there is a round hypoechoic structure caudal to the kidney, is this lymph node?
  • I presume the kidney would need to be removed regardless?



Looks very tumor-esque to me.

Looks very tumor-esque to me. i would CT for sx planning as the retroperitneal space is ill defined and then remove it. Carcinoma or sarcoma usually here

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