Intra-Abdominal Lipoma

Sonopath Forum

Intra-Abdominal Lipoma

– 5-6 yr old female Cocker Spaniel HBC and brought in by animal control as a stray

– shelter asked me to scan as she had a distended belly and thought she was pregnant

– u/s revealed no pregnancy but I saw an ovary so likely not spayed

– her entire abdomen otherwise filled with a fatty mass that appeared to slide off other organs and was encapsulated in some regions; this made complete evaluation of her abdomen difficult as this mass was taking up alot of space

– FNA’s showed lipocytes and oil droplets only so this may be a giant intra-abdominal lipoma

– 5-6 yr old female Cocker Spaniel HBC and brought in by animal control as a stray

– shelter asked me to scan as she had a distended belly and thought she was pregnant

– u/s revealed no pregnancy but I saw an ovary so likely not spayed

– her entire abdomen otherwise filled with a fatty mass that appeared to slide off other organs and was encapsulated in some regions; this made complete evaluation of her abdomen difficult as this mass was taking up alot of space

– FNA’s showed lipocytes and oil droplets only so this may be a giant intra-abdominal lipoma

– this patient is not obese otherwise so I don’t think this is normal intra-abdominal fat and she does not appear to have Cushings

I am scheduled to remove this mass on Monday and am wondering if anyone has had experience removing one of these? I have removed many very large subcutaneous lipomas which have been relatively straight-forward. Ideally I would love to send this patient for CT but this is not possible in this case.

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