Misty is a 15 year old cat with an ~2 month history of vomiting, weight loss and general ADR. PE was unremarkable and CBC/Chemisty/T4 were normal.
To me the SI’s, both jejunum and ileum are thickened with the muscularis being the thickest. I also believe that I see mesenteric LN’s in the area of the ICJ. All of which make me think intestinal lymphoma although a chronic inflammatory disease could fit also.
Misty is a 15 year old cat with an ~2 month history of vomiting, weight loss and general ADR. PE was unremarkable and CBC/Chemisty/T4 were normal.
To me the SI’s, both jejunum and ileum are thickened with the muscularis being the thickest. I also believe that I see mesenteric LN’s in the area of the ICJ. All of which make me think intestinal lymphoma although a chronic inflammatory disease could fit also.
The Gastro-Duodenal area looks abnormal to me, I feel like the duodenum has the expected layering, but it looks out of proprotion and irregular???
So is my assessment correct?
This is an inversion of the
This is an inversion of the muscularis/muosal ratio which should be 3-4:1 in favor of the mucosae. The LNsare a bit rounded so it can go either way with lymphadenitis and IBD with idiopathic muscularis hypertrophy or of course lsa. Needs full thickness GI and Ln bx. You can run a maldigestion panel as well to see if thats an issue.