Intestinal carcinoma in a 12 year old FS DSH cat

Intestinal carcinoma in a 12 year old FS DSH cat

This 12-year-old FS DSH cat presented for weight loss. The physical examination revealed a palpable abdominal mass and poor body condition. A CBC and blood chemistry profile revealed only a moderate neutrophilia with a left shift.

Gastric carcinoma in a 10 year old FS West Highland White Terrier

This 10-year-old FS West Highland White Terrier dog was presented for persistent vomiting, weight loss, and acute abdominal pain. Preliminary blood analysis was unremarkable.

Hepatic cyst in a 16 year old FS DSH cat

A 16-year-old FS DSH cat with a long history of hyperthyroidism presented for progressive weight loss, vomiting, partial anorexia, and abdominal distension. Physical examination confirmed these findings and revealed a low body condition score. Blood chemistry profile revealed only a mildly elevated ALT with mildly prolonged PT and mildly prolonged aPTT on the coagulation profile.

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