Right hydronephrosis and mild hydroureter in an 8 year old female spayed DSH cat

Right hydronephrosis and mild hydroureter in an 8 year old female spayed DSH cat

An 8-year-old female spayed DSH cat was presented for weight loss, anorexia, and weakness. The cat was currently on phenobarbital. The only significant abnormality on physical examination was right renomegaly. Urinalysis showed 3+ hematuria, 1+ proteinuria, and elevated microalbuminuria. Azotemia and hyperamylasemia were evident on serum biochemistry.

Lymphoma and extramedullary hematopoiesis of the spleen and liver diagnosed by FNA in a 5 year old FS Boxer

A 5-year-old FS Boxer was presented for vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, and weight loss. The blood chemistry revealed elevated ALT and elevated AST enzyme activities. The CBC showed a leukocytosis consisting of a neutrophilia and a monocytosis. Thoracic radiographs were performed; there was no evidence of mass lesions, and the cardiac silhouette was within normal limits.

Chronic portal hepatitis and fibrosis in a 12 year old FS Labrador Retriever dog

A 12 year old FS Labrador Retriever dog was presented with a history of mildly elevated liver enzymes and weight loss. The clinical exam was unremarkable other than sub normal body weight.

Early lymphoma and hepatic lipidosis in a 10 year old FS DSH cat

A 10-year-old FS DSH cat was presented for weight loss, vomiting, and anorexia. On physical examination, the patient was quiet and cachexic. The patient had lost 5-pounds over seven months, was tachycardic, and had thickened intestines and small kidneys. CBC showed lymphopenia, polycythemia, and thrombocytopenia. On blood chemistry, there was elevated ALP, ALT, and hyperbilirubinemia….

Severe hydronephrosis; ureteral lithiasis in an 18 year old FS DSH cat

An 18-year-old FS DSH was presented for decreased appetite, weight loss, and polyuria/polydipsia. Abnormalities on physical examination were possibly deafness, unkempt haircoat, weight loss, nuclear sclerosis and iris atrophy in both eyes, thickened bowel loops on abdominal palpation, and palpable thyroid enlargement on the right side. Bacterial UTI was present on urinalysis and blood work…

Pancreatic carcinoma and splenic metastasis in a 15 year old FS DSH cat

A 15-year-old FS DSH cat was presented for weight loss, decreased appetite, hematuria, and lethargy. Abnormalities on physical examination included a large irregular mass in the mid-abdomen and left-sided iridial neovascularization with a small white mass on ventral/lateral limbus. On CBC, anemia and lymphopenia were present. Blood chemistry showed mild hypoglycemia, elevated BUN, and elevated…

Pancreatic abscess and suppurative pyogranulomatous inflammation in a 4 year old FS DLH cat

A 4-year-old FS DLH presented for weight loss, hair loss, hematochezia, and hair pulling. Physical exam revealed poor body condition with non-inflammatory alopecia. The CBC was normal. Blood chemistry analysis revealed mildly elevated total protein and globulins. Urinalysis showed a pH of 6.5, USG > 1.050 with a cloudy appearance, 5-10/hpf WBC, TNTC RBC, rare…

Pancreatic lymphosarcoma in a 12 year old FS DSH cat

This 12-year-old FS DSH cat presented for progressive anorexia, lethargy and weight loss. The physical exam revealed a palpable irregular mid-abdominal mass, mild dehydration, mild fever and poor body condition. The CBC revealed slight anemia with anisocytosis, polychromasia, and moderate nucleated RBCs. Blood chemistry revealed mildly elevated ALT, mildly elevated AST, and mildly elevated total…

Pancreatic duct calculus and concurrent presumptive inflammatory bowel disease in a 6 year old SF DSH cat

This 6-year-old FS DSH cat presented for weight loss and vomiting. The physical exam revealed an irritable demeanor and abdominal pain. The CBC and blood chemistry analyses were within normal limits.

Chronic active pancreatitis in a 17 year old FS DSH cat

This 17-year-old FS DSH was presented for anorexia, lethargy, vocalization and mild weight loss. The physical exam revealed a painful cranial abdomen and poor body condition. The CBC and blood chemistry demonstrated mildly elevated BUN, mildly elevated creatinine, mildly elevated ALT, mildly elevated SAP, mildly elevated total bilirubin and mildly elevated CPK with mild anemia…

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