Disseminated lymphoma in an 11-year-old FS DSH cat: Our Case Of The Month January 2012

Gastric foreign body and flattened adrenals (due to chronic prednisone therapy) in an 8 year old FS Golden Retriever

An 8-year-old SF Golden retriever dog was presented for evaluation of anorexia, vomiting, distended abdomen, and weight loss. The dog had been on chronic prednisone therapy.

Renal mass in a 12 year old FS German Shorthaired Pointer

A 12-year-old SF German Shorthaired Pointer dog was presented for evaluation of weight loss and poor appetite.

Adrenal mass in an 11 year old mixed breed dog with weight loss and hypertension

The patient is an 11 year old mixed breed canine. The patient is anorexic and has had weight loss. Bloodwork was unremarkable. Blood pressure was 260.

Suppurative gastritis and extramedullary hematopoiesis in an 8 year old MN Beagle mix

An 8-year-old NM beagle mix dog was presented for weight loss. CBC showed lymphopenia, with normal serum biochemistry. Low T4.

Suppurative inflammation of the stomach in an 8-year-old MN Beagle mix dog

An 8-year-old MN Beagle mix dog was presented for weight loss. CBC showed lymphopenia, with normal serum biochemistry. LowT4.

Chronic active pancreatitis; potential carcinoma in an 18 year old FS DSH cat

An 18-year-old FS DSH was presented for evaluation of weight loss and vomiting, Eosinophilia was present on CBC. The only abnormality on urinalysis was glycosuria.

03_00239 Lizzy H Lymphoma *Jan 2012 COM*

A 11-year-old female spayed DSH cat was presented with a history of anorexia and weight loss. The only abnormality on urinalysis is an inappropriate urine specific gravity (1.016). Azotemia is present on serum biochemistry.

Renal carcinoma in a 15 year old MN DSH cat with weight loss

A 15 year old NM DSH was presented for losing weight with a history of a possible abdominal tumor and kidney stone. Both CBC and serum biochemistry were within normal limits.

Pleural effusion and possible carcinomatosis with mineralizing liver mass in a 14 year old FS DSH cat

A 14-year-old SF DSH with a history of weight loss, hyperthyroidism, and hypertension was presented for respiratory distress and pleural effusion. Systolic blood pressure was 210.

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