Gastritis (likely a granulomatous lesion) in an 11 year old FS Persian cat

Gastritis (likely a granulomatous lesion) in an 11 year old FS Persian cat

An 11-year-old spayed female Persian cat was presented for vomiting. Owner reports patient had been vomiting a couple times a week for approximately one month. Physical exam was unremarkable.

Pancreatic lymphosarcoma in a 12 year old FS DSH cat

This 12-year-old FS DSH cat presented for progressive anorexia, lethargy and weight loss. The physical exam revealed a palpable irregular mid-abdominal mass, mild dehydration, mild fever and poor body condition. The CBC revealed slight anemia with anisocytosis, polychromasia, and moderate nucleated RBCs. Blood chemistry revealed mildly elevated ALT, mildly elevated AST, and mildly elevated total…

Pancreatic duct calculus and concurrent presumptive inflammatory bowel disease in a 6 year old SF DSH cat

This 6-year-old FS DSH cat presented for weight loss and vomiting. The physical exam revealed an irritable demeanor and abdominal pain. The CBC and blood chemistry analyses were within normal limits.

Pancreatitis and pancreatic cyst diagnosed by ultrasound-guided FNA in a 7 year old MN Border Collie

A 7-year-old neutered male Border Collie mixed breed dog presented after a long history of occasional vomiting and elevated lipase. The dog had three separate episodes of pancreatitis over the prior two years. The clinical exam at this time was normal, except for minor focal abdominal pain in the right cranial abdomen. The CBC revealed…

Suppurative pancreatitis and steatitis in a 6 year old Maltese dog of unknown gender

This 6-year-old Maltese presented for diarrhea, poor appetite, and lethargy immediately prior to the sonogram with a history of acute vomiting 2 weeks prior that had resolved without intervention. The patient also presented concurrently with acute anal sacculitis and dermal hot spots. Outpatient therapy with antibiotics proved mildly effective. CBC and blood chemistry analysis demonstrated…

Gastric lymphoma in an 8 year old FS DSH cat

This 8-year-old spayed female DSH cat was presented for rapid weight loss, anorexia, and vomiting. The physical exam revealed mild dehydration, intestinal thickening on palpation, and mild hyperthermia. CBC and blood chemistry values were normal. Urinalysis was not performed.

Pseudo-Obstructive Pattern in a 16 year old FS DSH cat

This 16-year-old FS DSH was presented for acute, persistent vomiting and anorexia that was non-responsive to medical treatment. Clinical exam revealed poor body condition but was otherwise unremarkable. The blood analysis only revealed mild hyperglobulinemia.

Pyloric Stenosis with Ulcerative Gastritis in a 13 year old FS Pekinese dog

This 13-year-old FS Pekinese was presented for a long term history of intermittent vomiting with a recent episode of acute vomiting which was primarily postprandial. Medical therapy was unremarkable. Blood and urine analysis were also unremarkable.

Intestinal Lymphocytic Lymphoma in a 16 year old FS DSH cat

This FS 16-year-old DSH presented for anorexia, weight loss and PU/PD. Physical exam revealed a poor body condition, small irregular kidneys and a palpable intestinal thickening. Blood analysis demonstrated moderately elevated BUN and moderately elevated creatinine with a mild amylase elevation. Urinalysis demonstrated evidence of urinary tract infection and isosthenuria. Radiographs demonstrated a mid abdominal…

Gastric Foreign Body with Gastritis in a 5 year old FS French Bulldog

This 5-year-old FS French Bulldog presented for persistent vomiting over a 1 week period. Chronic occasional vomiting was also noted in the history. The physical exam and blood analysis on this dog were normal.

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