Normal post neuter prostate in an 8 year old MN Shih Tzu dog
The patient is a canine Shih Tzu, MN, 8 years old. Prostate was enlarged at the time. Dog had a history of splenic neoplasia and prostatomegaly at 7 yrs old (>6 months prior to the sonogram) and underwent splenectomy and orchectomy at that time. Prior to the sonogram, the urinalysis showed epithelial cells (transitional/squamous cells)….
Polycystic kidney disease in a 7 year old MN German Shepherd Dog with a history of prostatic disease
A 7-year-old neutered male German Shepherd with history of prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy, pyelonephritis, renal cysts, and recent neutering was presented for follow-up visit to check renal values. He was currently eating the K/D diet. Physical examination and CBC were both within normal limits. The urine was cloudy and red in appearance, and revealed isosthenuria, 3+…