The patient is a canine Shih Tzu, MN, 8 years old. Prostate was enlarged at the time. Dog had a history of splenic neoplasia and prostatomegaly at 7 yrs old (>6 months prior to the sonogram) and underwent splenectomy and orchectomy at that time. Prior to the sonogram, the urinalysis showed epithelial cells (transitional/squamous cells). Urine specific gravity was 1.034 with a pH 7 and 2-3 transitional cells per high power field. Urine culture was negative. Ultrasound was conducted to evaluate for prostatic and/or bladder cancer (eg. transitional cell carcinoma).
The patient is a canine Shih Tzu, MN, 8 years old. Prostate was enlarged at the time. Dog had a history of splenic neoplasia and prostatomegaly at 7 yrs old (>6 months prior to the sonogram) and underwent splenectomy and orchectomy at that time. Prior to the sonogram, the urinalysis showed epithelial cells (transitional/squamous cells). Urine specific gravity was 1.034 with a pH 7 and 2-3 transitional cells per high power field. Urine culture was negative. Ultrasound was conducted to evaluate for prostatic and/or bladder cancer (eg. transitional cell carcinoma).