CT – Followup staging CT for previously excised subcutaneous hemangiosarcoma in a 9 year old MN German Shepherd

CT – Followup staging CT for previously excised subcutaneous hemangiosarcoma in a 9 year old MN German Shepherd

This 9 year old MN German Shepherd presented for followup staging CT for a previously excised SQ hemangiosarcoma on the dorsal thoracic spine, several surgeries, on chemotherapy.

CT – Nasopharyngeal soft tissue neoplasia with osteolysis in a 10 year old M Basset Hound with a history of lymphoma

This 10 year old Basset Hound dog has a history of lymphoma diagnosed 6 months ago. Has been treated with chemotherapy. Presented with nasal discharge, eye discharge with corneal irritation and cloudiness, pain on opening of the mouth.

CT – nasal neoplasia with bone destruction, lymphadenopathy and sinusitis in a 15 year old FS cat

This 15 year old FS DSH cat has a history of right sided sarcoma from 2011. Presented with nasal/ocular discharge and weight loss.

CT – Non-Metastatic resectable fibrosarcoma in a 7 year old DSH cat also with cholangiohepatitis/triaditis

This 7 year old MN DSH has a history of suspected fibrosarcoma on shoulder

CT – heart base tumor with pericardial effusion, likely mediastinal lymph node malignancy in a 11 year old MN Border Collie dog

This 11 year old MN Border Collie dog has a history of high grade soft tissue sarcoma. Evaluating feasibility of hemipelvectomy to eradicate disease

RAD – Interstitial lung nodules and chronic bronchial airway disease in a 8 year old FS Golden Retriever dog

This 8 year old FS Golden Retriever dog was diagnosed with melanoma one year ago (surgical excision) Physical Exam: increased bronchovesicular sounds, coughing, nasal discharge. check for metastases today.  

RAD – normal age related bronchointerstitial lung pattern in a 6 year old MN Pitfall mixed dog

The patient is a 6 year old MN Pitbull mixed dog with a 3 year history of a mass on the right thorax; recent cytology consistent with mast cell tumor.  Physical exam – BAR; heart and lungs wnl; 12 x 8 mm raised, pink, hairless mass on caudal thorax

RADS – Pulmonary Osteomas and Pleural Plugs with Mild Degenerative Changes in a dog

History: First seizure at 10 years of age. History of mass cell tumor being removed some time ago

CT Anal Gland Carcinoma and Reactive Lymph Node Hyperplasia in a 10 year old MN DSH cat

 Right sided anal gland adenocarcinoma.  Investigating for enlarged sublumbar Lymph node for metastasis. History of right anal gland mass growth within the last 2 weeks. Physical Exam: Right anal gland has multilobulated mass, about 7cm diameter CBC: All WNL Chemistry: Mildly elevated ALP, rest WNL. Normal Ca and Ionized Ca.

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