Bladder mass, suspect transitional cell carcinoma, in a 14 year old FS DSH cat

Bladder mass, suspect transitional cell carcinoma, in a 14 year old FS DSH cat

A 14-year-old FS DSH was presented for evaluation of chronic cystitis with current signs indicative of FLUTD. Therapy with Baytril, Buprenex, and Prazosin had shown no response. CBC, serum biochemistry, and T4 were all within reference range. Urinalysis showed SG 1.052, 1+ protein, and 3+ struvite crystals. On survey radiographs, the kidneys had a mottled…

Ileal Mass and Foreign Body in an 11-year-old MN Labrador Retriever dog

An 11-year-old MN Labrador retriever dog was presented with a history of vomiting and hematuria. Recent CBC had revealed eosinopenia and neutrophilia. T4 was low. Prior urine culture a few months prior had been positive for E. coli but a more recent urine culture was negative. The cystitis had been treated with Baytril. There was…

Interstitial cystitis in a 6 year old FS DSH cat

A 6-year-old SF DSH cat was presented for evaluation of chronic cystitis that was non-responsive to antibiotic and Adequan therapy. Both urinalysis and urine culture were within normal limits.

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