Splenic mass diagnosed as histocytic sarcoma in a 5 year old FS Schnauzer mix
This 5 year old FS Schnauzer mix dog presented for diarrhea and weakness. History of chronic diarrhea/colitis. CBC/Chem: HCT 15%, TS 4.3, albumin 1.7.
Cecal leiomyoma diagnosed on ex-lap, in an 11 year old MN Pit Bull dog
11 year old MN Pit-bull was presented with clinical signs of colitis of several months’ duration which had been controlled with anti-inflammatory dosages of prednisone. An abdominal mass was palpated on physical exam. The CBC was within normal limits. A mild elevation of the ALP enzyme activity was present on the serum biochemical profile.
Pancreatic inflammation and pseudocysts in a 15 year old MN DSH cat
A 15-year-old neutered male DSH cat presented for chronic renal disease. The presenting bloodwork revealed a moderately elevated BUN, moderately elevated creatinine, amylase, and CPK, with a concurrent mild nonregenerative anemia. These biochemical changes were persistent over a 6 month period.