Urethral TCC in a 12 year old FS Beagle
A 12-year-old SF Beagle with a history of urinary tract infections was presented for evaluation of lethargy and poor appetite. Previous ultrasound had shown a 0.65 cm rounded mass/polyp near the bladder neck. On follow up assessment, progressive azotemia and resolution of the mass was evident.
US and CYT – Multiple myeloma diagnosed by splenic FNA/cytology in an 8 year old MN DSH cat with hyperglobulinemia
An 8-year-old NM DSH with a history of azotemia was presented for evaluation. Abnormalities on serum biochemistry were azotemia (BUN 58, creatinine 3.4), hyperproteinemia (22.8), hypoalbuminemia (1.9), and severe hyperglobulinemia (20.9).
Left Adrenal Mass, likely Adenocarcinoma with Hypertension and Interstitial Nephrosis in a 11 year old FS Labrador Retriever dog
Presenting clinical signs: bilateral hyphema, sudden onset blindness. Hypertensive. Chronic azotemia. BUN 41, Crea 2.0, ALKP 1180.
03_00213 Snowball L Hepatocellular carcinoma
A 13-year-old FS Samoyed with history of azotemia and urinary leaking, on DES and NF diet, was presented for polyuria. Leukocyturia was present on urinalysis. Abnormalities on CBC and blood chemistry were thrombocytosis, monocytosis, elevated AST, ALT and ALP activity, hyperkalemia, and hyperamylasemia.
06-00044 Angel P Renal round cell neoplasia RESEARCH ONLY
A 10-year-old DSH was presented for evaluation of severe azotemia. Renomegaly was evident on physical examination.
Primary renal dysplasia in a 2 year old MN DSH cat
A 2-year-old MN DSH with history of azotemia was presented for increased thirst, decreased urination, and weight loss. Physical examination showed the patient to be quiet, alert and responsive. The rest of the examination was unremarkable. Urinalysis revealed a low-normal specific gravity and 1+ hematuria. CBC was within normal limits whereas marked azotemia was present…
Chronic renal disease with infarction in a 7 year old MN DSH cat
A 7 year old neutered male DSH cat was presented with a history of azotemia, polyuria, polydypsia, and weight loss. Physical examination and blood pressure were both within normal limits. The only significant abnormality on urinalysis was a subnormal specific gravity. Abnormalities on blood chemistry included azotemia and hypercalcemia.
Hepatic cyst in a 16 year old FS DSH cat
A 16-year-old FS DSH cat with a long history of hyperthyroidism presented for progressive weight loss, vomiting, partial anorexia, and abdominal distension. Physical examination confirmed these findings and revealed a low body condition score. Blood chemistry profile revealed only a mildly elevated ALT with mildly prolonged PT and mildly prolonged aPTT on the coagulation profile.