Help with echo

Sonopath Forum

-7 year old Australian Shepherd mix

-presented for worsening weakness and exercise intolerance, pulses weak

-Possible history of grain – free diet but not consistently

-I was expecting to find DCM but my measurements give a %FS of 34%.

-LA:Ao of 1.8

-Normal PA size, no evidence of pulmonary hypertension

-Moderate mitral and mild tricuspid regurgitation

-Normal transaortic and transpulmonic flow

-7 year old Australian Shepherd mix

-presented for worsening weakness and exercise intolerance, pulses weak

-Possible history of grain – free diet but not consistently

-I was expecting to find DCM but my measurements give a %FS of 34%.

-LA:Ao of 1.8

-Normal PA size, no evidence of pulmonary hypertension

-Moderate mitral and mild tricuspid regurgitation

-Normal transaortic and transpulmonic flow

-These images are not great but do you have any insight on this case?  The clinical signs are not matching the echo results and I just want to make sure I am right to continue searching for a cause.






I agree in that these


I agree in that these results are unlikely to. explain the symptoms. Yet, there’s significant mitral prolapse causing MI and left atrial enlargement. If the normalised enddiastolic left ventricular diameter (Cornell-Index = LVID/BW^0,294) exceeds 1.8 (I assume the patient is in the 20kg range) I would likely give Pimobendan and see how the patient does. If he/she does not improve within 1-2 weeks, I would look for different reasons (orthopedic, metabolic, endocrine).






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