Gastric Ulceration?

Sonopath Forum

Gastric Ulceration?

– 4 yr old MN Golden Retriever with 3 day history of melena

– owners switched diets in which the melena resolved but now pet is vomting with decreased appetite

– cbc, biochem unremarkable, cPLI negative

– u/s showed concentrically thickened pyloric wall with what appears to be hyperechoic echoes embedded in the wall – ulcers? and mild fluid distension; pet painful when this area was scanned

– I saw no evidence of a FB;duodenum and rest of GI tract normal

– jejunal LN’s look reactive

– 4 yr old MN Golden Retriever with 3 day history of melena

– owners switched diets in which the melena resolved but now pet is vomting with decreased appetite

– cbc, biochem unremarkable, cPLI negative

– u/s showed concentrically thickened pyloric wall with what appears to be hyperechoic echoes embedded in the wall – ulcers? and mild fluid distension; pet painful when this area was scanned

– I saw no evidence of a FB;duodenum and rest of GI tract normal

– jejunal LN’s look reactive

Have started treatment for possible gastric ulceration with GI scope as next step if symptoms not resolving. Does this look like gastric ulceration?




Nice images this is classic

Nice images this is classic ulcer see the penetrating echo. It goes through the submucosae but no perisorsal inflammation yet so not perforating. Some echogenic remodeling of the mucosae. You can tx medical and watch every few days. Check PCV and BUN. Please post the followup would be cool to see the progression or regression.


Cool-thanks. Will post if I

Cool-thanks. Will post if I get a follow-up.


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