Gastric Pathology

Sonopath Forum

Gastric Pathology

Simon is a 12 year old male neutered DSH with a history of intermittent vomiting (about 1 time per week) with some weight loss. To be fair the owner has placed him on a diet.

Physical exam is unremarkable except for some dental disease.

X-rays were unremarkable.

Lab work- totally normal.

I did this scan yesterday. At the time of the exam I did not see any pathology- but when I reviewed the Cines I am not certain if I am seeing any patholgoy of the gastric wall. I am starting to second guess myself.

Simon is a 12 year old male neutered DSH with a history of intermittent vomiting (about 1 time per week) with some weight loss. To be fair the owner has placed him on a diet.

Physical exam is unremarkable except for some dental disease.

X-rays were unremarkable.

Lab work- totally normal.

I did this scan yesterday. At the time of the exam I did not see any pathology- but when I reviewed the Cines I am not certain if I am seeing any patholgoy of the gastric wall. I am starting to second guess myself.

I am going to post some cines. Does anyone see anything I should be concerned about?

Small bowel looked good to me.



Not seeing any obvious

Not seeing any obvious thickening or loss of layering.


Not seeing any obvious

Not seeing any obvious thickening or loss of layering.


No detail loss or excessive

No detail loss or excessive thickening… maybe some echogenic remodeling of the gastric mucosal layer in video 2 but would need hi resolution linear on it to examine better. Normal “sea urchin” cat stomach otherwise:)


No detail loss or excessive

No detail loss or excessive thickening… maybe some echogenic remodeling of the gastric mucosal layer in video 2 but would need hi resolution linear on it to examine better. Normal “sea urchin” cat stomach otherwise:)


Thank you riobetti and EL. 

Thank you riobetti and EL. 

I just wanted to make sure


Thank you riobetti and EL. 

Thank you riobetti and EL. 

I just wanted to make sure

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