Severe pancreatitis with peripancreatic inflammation in a 6 year old FS Siberian Husky

Severe pancreatitis with peripancreatic inflammation in a 6 year old FS Siberian Husky

This 6-year-old FS Siberian Husky presented for vomiting and anorexia. The patient had been managed for reasonably well controlled diabetes for the previous 6 months. The clinical exam revealed moderate dehydration and abdominal pain. CBC and blood chemistry demonstrated a history of chronic moderately elevated SAP, moderately elevated cholesterol, and moderately elevated triglycerides with slightly…

Intestinal foreign body in a 12 year old MN German Shepherd Dog

A 12-year-old MN German Shepherd Dog was presented for persistent vomiting and anorexia over a 3 day period. The physical exam revealed moderate dehydration and a palpably enlarged and painful spleen. The CBC presented slight neutropenia. Blood chemistry analysis revealed only a moderately elevated amylase.

Focal nodular pancreatitits in a 13 year old FS Mixed breed

This 13-year-old mixed breed FS dog presented for vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy and anorexia. The physical exam revealed mild dehydration and cranial abdominal pain. CBC and blood chemistry panel revealed only a severely elevated lipase and mildly elevated amylase. The patient had been treated unsuccessfully on an outpatient basis for one week and then was hospitalized…

Intestinal foreign body in a 3 year old FS Boston Terrier

A 3-year-old FS Boston Terrier dog was presented for persistent vomiting over the previous 2 days. The physical exam revealed a mildly painful abdomen and slight dehydration. The blood chemistry and CBC were normal except for a mildly elevated lipase. A urinalysis was not performed. The patient was NPO 24 hours prior to the sonogram.

Pancreatic carcinoma in a 14 year old MN DSH cat

This 14-year-old MN DSH presented for partial anorexia, progressively worsening abdominal pain on serial examinations, and weight loss. CBC and blood chemistry analysis revealed a severe lipase elevation with otherwise normal parameters.

Pancreatitis and mesenteric steatitis 10 Year Old MN Weimaraner

This 10-year-old MN Weimaraner presented for anorexia, occasional vomiting, weight loss, and poor body condition. The clinical exam revealed a mildly tender abdomen and mild fever. CBC and blood chemistry analysis revealed moderate leukocytosis with a left shift, slight elevations in amylase and elevated SAP and mild hypomagnesemia.

Gastric foreign body in a 2 year old MN Doberman Pinscher

This 2-year-old neutered male Doberman Pinscher dog was presented for persistent anorexia and occasional vomiting. The physical exam revealed mildly tacky mucous membranes and a tense cranial abdomen. The CBC was normal. Blood chemistry revealed mild ALT and ALP elevations. Urinalysis was not performed.

Small bowel foreign body in a 4 year old MN Himalayan cat

This 4-year-old MN Himalayan cat was presented for 3 days of persistent vomiting, lethargy, and anorexia. The physical exam revealed moderate dehydration and tense abdomen; the cat would not allow deep palpation. The CBC revealed moderate leukocytosis with a left shift. Blood chemistry demonstrated moderate azotemia, mild hyperglycemia, mild hyponatremia and hypochloremia. The urine was…

Ileocecocolic Intussusception in a 6 month old M Chesapeake Bay Retriever dog

This 6-month-old M Chesapeake Bay Retriever was presented for acute and persistent vomiting over the prior 36 hours. The patient had a 1 week history of diarrhea as well. The physical exam revealed mild dehydration, tacky mucous membranes, and a tense abdomen that did not allow for deep palpation. The CBC demonstrated mild anemia while…

Pyloric Foreign Body in a 7 year old MN Jack Russell Terrier Dog

This 7-year-old MN Jack Russell Terrier was presented for acute vomiting and hematemesis. The physical exam revealed a tense cranial abdomen and mild hyperthermia. CBC, blood chemistry and urinalyses were all normal.

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