End stage Liver disease with Cirrhosis pattern and Portal Hypertension in 10 year old MN Labrador

End stage Liver disease with Cirrhosis pattern and Portal Hypertension in 10 year old MN Labrador

This 10 year old MN Labrador dog presented with distended abdomen, decreased energy level and decreased appetite. 

Adrenal Mass with Left Phrenic Invasion in a 10 year old FS Yorkie mix

This 10 year old FS Yorkie mix presented with a history of lethargy; while still eating, urinating and deficating normally. She then began shaking, the abdomen became distended and she stopped eating or drinking. UA- isothenuria and proteinuria. 3 small bladder stones were collected when obtaining UA and 4dx negative. SDMA 16, BUN 37, CREAT 1.6,…

Abdominal Mesenteric Abscess in a 14 year old MN Lab

This 14 year old MN Labrador dog has a history of change in abdominal size and shape with inappropriate urine leaking. A large abdominal mass was palpated on physical exam.

Abdominal Abscess/Infarcted Lipoma in a 10-year-old MN Beagle: Our Case Of the Month January 2020

The patient presented for pre-anesthetic work up for a TPLO surgery and it was noted that the patient’s abdomen appeared larger than normal. Radiographs of the abdomen were inconclusive and an ultrasound was performed.

Right auricular mass with passive congestion pattern in a 12 year old MN Dachshund

This 12 year old MN Dachshund dog presented with vomiting, inappetance, distended abdomen.  Rads showed cardiac enlargement, pulmonary edema CBC/Chem: ALT 39, ALKP 188, WBC 23,000

RAD – Bronchopneumonia with bacterial, viral or parasitic etiology in a 13 year old MN Jack Russell Terrier

This 13 year old MN Jack Russell Terrier presented for coughing and abdominal distention. History of elevated liver enzymes.

Massive splenic hematoma in a 5 year old MN Boxer mix

This 5 year old Boxer mix dog presented with abdominal distension. Chemistry wnl, HCT 21.4%

RAD – Mild maldigestion pattern in a 1 year old F Miniature Schnauzer post steak bone ingestion

This 1 year old F Miniature Schnauzer presented with ADR, had been fed a steak bone. Physical exam – mild dehydration; moderate abdominal distension, painful on palpation Chem: ALT 478, chol 46, amylase 264

RAD – Generalized hepatomegaly with muscle atrophy in a 13 year old FS Labrador Retriever dog

This 13 year old FS Labrador Retriever dog presented with a history of difficulty getting up and ambulating of one week duration.  Physical exam: increased lung sounds, crusty bilateral nasal discharge, moderately distended abdomen, mild hepatomegaly. BW pending.

US and CT – Right sided adrenal mass with extensive vascular invasion in a 14 year old intact F Jack Russell Terrier dog

This 14 year old intact F Jack Russell Terrier dog presented for vomiting, lethargy, anorexia of 24 hour duration; no  diarrhea. Physical exam: mildly increased respiratory effort, increased bronchovesicular sounds, abdomen moderately distended and painful on palpation. CBC/Chem/UA: HCT 43.8%, WBC 16.78, Neu 11.55 with bands suspected, Eos 1.97, BUN 53, Crea 5.4, Phos 14.8,…

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