“Did you know” quick tips

Sonopath Forum

“Did you know” quick tips

P2 on your Elite 8 is configured as a prospective clip for dicom videos. P1 is set up for retrospective. 

A great use for P2 would be for an echo on an aggressive or super compromised cat (you know the kind- in severe respiratory distress and about ready to check out on you). Hit P2 and start scanning – it will continue to record until you hit P2 again. Then you can go back and create stills from it. Maybe not as perfect as the traditional way with retrospetive clips, but in a pinch you can get what you need and get out:)

P2 on your Elite 8 is configured as a prospective clip for dicom videos. P1 is set up for retrospective. 

A great use for P2 would be for an echo on an aggressive or super compromised cat (you know the kind- in severe respiratory distress and about ready to check out on you). Hit P2 and start scanning – it will continue to record until you hit P2 again. Then you can go back and create stills from it. Maybe not as perfect as the traditional way with retrospetive clips, but in a pinch you can get what you need and get out:)


Need to access cardiac measurements in the abdomen mode? Your small abd and fel abd presets give you access cardiac measurements also – say in case you’ve completed an abdominal scan and decide to quickly grab some echo images or even a complete echo with the C11 (not ideal but in an emergency it happens). When you press “measure” the cardiac library will come up as well as the abdomen library. 


The probes really hate hair or any poor contact. So don’t be afraid to shave and be liberal with alcohol and ultrasound gel.



Very cool tip with the P2

Very cool tip with the P2 Diane!  Thanks 🙂

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