cystic bladder wall structure in 12 yr old MN Beagle

Sonopath Forum

cystic bladder wall structure in 12 yr old MN Beagle

  • 12 yr old mn beagle presented for recurrent episodes of acute abdominal pain
  • History of splenomegaly and hepatomegaly
  • Most recent bloodwork showed increased amylase and lipase, all else wnl
  • Primary rDVM wants to rule out pancreatitis, and splenic torsion
  • Patient is asymptomatic today, the day the scan
  • Abdominal ultrasound performed today shows normal spleen, liver, GI and pancreas.
    • 12 yr old mn beagle presented for recurrent episodes of acute abdominal pain
    • History of splenomegaly and hepatomegaly
    • Most recent bloodwork showed increased amylase and lipase, all else wnl
    • Primary rDVM wants to rule out pancreatitis, and splenic torsion
    • Patient is asymptomatic today, the day the scan
    • Abdominal ultrasound performed today shows normal spleen, liver, GI and pancreas.
    • Incidentally, there are two small (1.0cm) cystic structures in the dorsal bladder wall.  Both are located cranial to the trigone. I am wondering if this could be an ectopic ureter/ureterocele.   Other rule outs include focal bladder wall hemorrhage, however, cystocentesis was not performed until after this scan.  This does not look like polyp or neoplasia to me.
    • Any other thoughts?



As they appear to have the

As they appear to have the same echogenic appearance as the urine would go for eureterocele.


Thanks Remo.  Interesting

Thanks Remo.  Interesting because the dog is 12 years old with no history of any urinary tract problems.

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