Conservative treatment options for gastric lymphoma

Sonopath Forum

Conservative treatment options for gastric lymphoma

  • 9 year old mn Papillon with 2 week hx of vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy
  • Bloodwork showed ALB=1.6g/dL
  • Abdominal US showed abnormal nodular multifocal gastric wall thickening.
  • Cytology performed on US guided fna of stomach wall showed gastric large cell lymphoma
    • 9 year old mn Papillon with 2 week hx of vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy
    • Bloodwork showed ALB=1.6g/dL
    • Abdominal US showed abnormal nodular multifocal gastric wall thickening.
    • Cytology performed on US guided fna of stomach wall showed gastric large cell lymphoma
    • Because of the severe hypoalbuminemia, treatment with prednisone was initiated 3 days ago while awaiting cytology results.  Additional recommended tx included antibiotics, prescription diet (low fat or hydrolyzed), cobalamin supplementation, anti-coagulant therapy (clopidogrel or low dose aspirin), anti-ulcer medication (omeprazole), anti-emetics, and fluids as needed.
    • The owner cannot afford multiomodal chemotherapy.  Based on what I have read so far, GI LSA does not respond well to multimodal chemo anyways.
    • Does anyone have any references or recommendations for any  lower cost multimodal or palliative therapy that could be managed by the primary vet besides pred?  

    Thank you!



Not a great diagnosis. Can

Not a great diagnosis. Can add cyclophosphamide with the prednisolone.

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