Comet Tails

Sonopath Forum

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Comet tails in the lung found on abdominal scan.

Gizmo is 9 years old, male, Maltese with severe mitral resurge, moderate anesthesia risk.

Abdomen scan after dental while still anesthetized. Echo done by cardiologist 9/19/16 and X-rays done then as well. Cardiomegaly, but no pulmonary changes seen.

Gizmo does look like he has an endocrinaopathy in his hair coat.

How hard do I run this down?

Comet tails in the lung found on abdominal scan.

Gizmo is 9 years old, male, Maltese with severe mitral resurge, moderate anesthesia risk.

Abdomen scan after dental while still anesthetized. Echo done by cardiologist 9/19/16 and X-rays done then as well. Cardiomegaly, but no pulmonary changes seen.

Gizmo does look like he has an endocrinaopathy in his hair coat.



Comet tails can be old dog or

Comet tails can be old dog or cat lung with microconsolidations in the alveoli, PTE, pneumonitis, mets, pulmonary edema, or dependent lung… depends on the situation

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