Comet Tails

Comet Tails

How hard do I run this down? Comet tails in the lung found on abdominal scan. Gizmo is 9 years old, male, Maltese with severe mitral resurge, moderate anesthesia risk. Abdomen scan after dental while still anesthetized. Echo done by cardiologist 9/19/16 and X-rays done then as well. Cardiomegaly, but no pulmonary changes seen. Gizmo…

Fast Scan

At CVMA convention. ER doc discussed “Fast Scan” in triage / initial work up. Includes: quick zoomed out look at position 11, 6-7, 1, and 14. Looking for free fluid in chest, abdomen, splenic mass, and bladder compromise. Also check pericardial effusion. Thoughts on this?

Cushings testing warranted?

–  12 year old Miniature Schnauzer –  Labs done because dog has increased it’s water consumption noticabley. ALP 433 U/L, ALT 227 U/L, Glucose 198 but nomral Fructosamine, USG 1.024 –  Ultrasound revealed liver nodules (FNA’s – vacuolar hepatopathy), one lymph node enlarged near kidney (FNA – mild lymphoid hyperplasia), and adrenals measuring: R =…

Cushings testing warranted?

–  12 year old Miniature Schnauzer –  Labs done because dog has increased it’s water consumption noticabley. ALP 433 U/L, ALT 227 U/L, Glucose 198 but nomral Fructosamine, USG 1.024 –  Ultrasound revealed liver nodules (FNA’s – vacuolar hepatopathy), one lymph node enlarged near kidney (FNA – mild lymphoid hyperplasia), and adrenals measuring: R =…

Pancreatic FNA

I need to do an FNA of the right limb of an 80# lab’s pancrease. Approach?  Link to a description of the procedure? Thanks, Leon

Pancreatic FNA

I need to do an FNA of the right limb of an 80# lab’s pancrease. Approach?  Link to a description of the procedure? Thanks, Leon

Cranial Mediastinal Mass

Can I sound and aspirate a cranial mediastinal mass (6cm) in the chest of a 70lb lean lab. He’s 10 years old and we found it taking senior screening radiographs. It’s 2 cm cranial to the cardiac silhouette and about midway dorsal/ventral.

Cranial Mediastinal Mass

Can I sound and aspirate a cranial mediastinal mass (6cm) in the chest of a 70lb lean lab. He’s 10 years old and we found it taking senior screening radiographs. It’s 2 cm cranial to the cardiac silhouette and about midway dorsal/ventral.

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