Cat sedation protocols

Sonopath Forum

Cat sedation protocols

I am updating my feline abdominal sedation protocols.  I would greatly appreciate it if anyone is willing to share their favorite sedation protocols for abdominal ultrasound exams on cats that are either fractious or just won’t hold still.


Thank you!

I am updating my feline abdominal sedation protocols.  I would greatly appreciate it if anyone is willing to share their favorite sedation protocols for abdominal ultrasound exams on cats that are either fractious or just won’t hold still.


Thank you!


KV CVT SonoPath

Check out our technician

Check out our technician preferred sedation protocols here:


Thank you!

Thank you!

KV CVT SonoPath

You got it. 🙂

You got it. 🙂


My favourites are:

My favourites are:

Kitty Magic for really bad ones if not too sick or old

50-100 mg gabapentin PO given at home the night before and then 1 hour before coming in by owner – sometimes is enough but can give injectable to top up if needed (Fear Free protocol)

0.2 mg/kg butorphanol IV if you can get IV access 

0.2 mg/kg butorphanol + 2mg/kg Alfaxalone IM – gives about 10-15 minutes sedation and then they are up 

Feliway spray alone on the towels can also work well in some patients




Thanks Jacquie!

Thanks Jacquie!


DKT 0.1/10 lbs for

DKT 0.1/10 lbs for fractious/young adult/healthy cat.

Decrease by 10% for every year>10 years of age.

If cat is just a little antsy, I use IV butorphanol 0.05-0.1 mL/10 lbs sometimes with a whiff of dexdomitor.


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