Cat kidneys

Sonopath Forum

  • 11 year old MN DSH presented with oral pain, dental disease and weight loss
  • Severe azotaemia (IRIS stage 4) on bloods, no anaemia, urinalysis pending
  • Both kidneys are abnormal but my concern is the left kidney, how would you describe and what is this lesion?
  • Could these be dysplastic or neoplastic kindeys or just previous infarct/stones/insult?

  • 11 year old MN DSH presented with oral pain, dental disease and weight loss
  • Severe azotaemia (IRIS stage 4) on bloods, no anaemia, urinalysis pending
  • Both kidneys are abnormal but my concern is the left kidney, how would you describe and what is this lesion?
  • Could these be dysplastic or neoplastic kindeys or just previous infarct/stones/insult?



Stone mover infarcts

Stone mover infarcts pyelectasia +/- pyelonephritis. First kidney is late stage of th eprocess second kidney just starting.


Great thanks. 

Great thanks. 

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