Cat kidneys

Cat kidneys

11 year old MN DSH presented with oral pain, dental disease and weight loss Severe azotaemia (IRIS stage 4) on bloods, no anaemia, urinalysis pending Both kidneys are abnormal but my concern is the left kidney, how would you describe and what is this lesion? Could these be dysplastic or neoplastic kindeys or just previous…


This is a 12 year old male neutered dog with a history of PLN and recurrent UTI’s.  He presented for ascites, and the fluid appeared to be a modified transudate.  No evidence of pericardial effusion, but he did have some pleural fluid.  Albumin normal. Is this possibly carcinomatosis?  or is all that just fibrin?  The…

Ascites and endocardiosis

Dear All, Benny is a 10 year old beagle patient with right sided heart failure.  He already has mild ascites and dilatated v. cava. He also has mitral prolapse, mitral endocardiosis, dilatated left atrium and left sided volume overload. No pulmonal oedema yet. MR yet: 5,5 m/s-which fills the complete left atrium, Aorta ok, TR…

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