Cat heart murmur

Sonopath Forum

  • Mature adult ME DSH with murmur
  • The LV wall appeared normal in thickness, there was a mitral regurg and appearance of turbulence in LVOT but AV max was 1.34 m/s, i could not see SAM on m mode either. LA was normal. E/A wave inversion on mitral inflow.
  • How would you classify this murmur/heart disease please?


  • Mature adult ME DSH with murmur
  • The LV wall appeared normal in thickness, there was a mitral regurg and appearance of turbulence in LVOT but AV max was 1.34 m/s, i could not see SAM on m mode either. LA was normal. E/A wave inversion on mitral inflow.
  • How would you classify this murmur/heart disease please?




Im seeing pretty normal

Im seeing pretty normal echo… if its there its an insignificant flow murmur. You can make an audicle murmur in cats even with simple stethoscope pressure as well during the clinical exam. To match the dopppler murmur with a true auduble murmur you should have a high velocity flow … I usually use >2.5 m/sec as a rule for or what I’m looking for to match an audible murmur otherwise in cats its just chasing ghosts and not significant if you have done a full echo like SDEP type or similar regarding a complete Doppler study


Thanks EL.

Thanks EL.


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