RAD – Chronic bronchitis with scarring in a 7 year old F Malamute

Case Study

RAD – Chronic bronchitis with scarring in a 7 year old F Malamute

This 7 year old F Malamute has a history of 17# weight loss in the past 6 months.

CBC/Chem: Hgb low 12.9, AST low 11, amylase 279

This 7 year old F Malamute has a history of 17# weight loss in the past 6 months.

CBC/Chem: Hgb low 12.9, AST low 11, amylase 279


chronic bronchitis with some irreversible changes of the bronchial tree

Image Interpretation

The region of the aortic arch is effacing with the brachiocephalic trunk and cranial vena cava and appears prominent on the lateral view. However on the ventrodorsal view the width of the cranial mediastinum and the aortic arch is within normal limits.  The lung parenchyma presents multifocal age-related incidental pulmonary osteomas/pleural plugs. There is a mild generalized bronchointerstitial lung pattern with thin mineralized bronchial walls and focal cylindrical bronciectasis.



Hypovolemia with mild microcardia and underperfusion of the lung
• Mild chronic bronchointerstitial lung pattern with mild focal bronchiectasis.
The odds of an active bronchitis appear to be small. The findings are
likely to be compatible with scarring past bronchitis/bronchopneumonia and incidental
at this point.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Koko Brown/Paradise
Gender : Female, Intact
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 17_00073

Clinical Signs

  • Weight loss



Blood Chemistry

  • AST (SGOT), Low

Clinical Signs

  • Weight loss
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