The patient has had an unusual gait from birth. The last few months this has worsened; he appears sore in all limbs, sometimes cries out on rising and favors the right front leg. Radiographs performed at rDVM who prescribed Rimadyl and made referral. The dog is very active but appears painful after play. Rimadyl is moderately effective – still lame. Also on Vitamin C, glucosamine, and a probiotic and Purina EN diet to control diarrhea. No history of seizures or allergies
The patient has had an unusual gait from birth. The last few months this has worsened; he appears sore in all limbs, sometimes cries out on rising and favors the right front leg. Radiographs performed at rDVM who prescribed Rimadyl and made referral. The dog is very active but appears painful after play. Rimadyl is moderately effective – still lame. Also on Vitamin C, glucosamine, and a probiotic and Purina EN diet to control diarrhea. No history of seizures or allergies
Physical Exam: Weight: 68 pounds (8/6/2015); Pulse 150; Respiration Rate pant ; CRT 2 sec; MM Color P/M; Temperature 102.1. BAR today with a body condition score of 6/9. Eyes, ears, nose and throat appeared normal. The coat was healthy. On auscultation the heart and lungs WNL. Abdominal palpation WNL. Neurologically WNL. Pain Scale (Colorado 0-4) – 3/4. Gait was ambulatory, right fron leg weight-bearig lame. Pain on flexion of the left elbow; resistant to extension of left hip. Palpation of spine and neck WNL. CBC and chemistry WNL.