Boxer aortic murmur

Sonopath Forum

  • 2 year old MN Boxer with G 2/6 left basilar murmur
  • Turbulence at/before aortic valve into aorta, could not see subaortic ridge/band, echo otherwise normal
  • The max aortic flow was 2.2 m/s which is classified as normal especially in Boxers
  • How do you classify this murmur please?
  • Clarity much appreciated thank you. 

  • 2 year old MN Boxer with G 2/6 left basilar murmur
  • Turbulence at/before aortic valve into aorta, could not see subaortic ridge/band, echo otherwise normal
  • The max aortic flow was 2.2 m/s which is classified as normal especially in Boxers
  • How do you classify this murmur please?
  • Clarity much appreciated thank you. 



Idiopathic elevated lvot

Idiopathic elevated lvot velocity normal variant for the breed. No evidence of structural AV pathology.


Thanks EL. 

Thanks EL.