Bilateral Thyroid Enlargement

Sonopath Forum

Bilateral Thyroid Enlargement

– 15 year old MN DSH diagnosed with hyperthyroidism however rDVM is having a hard time regulating; concern of mass on the right thyroid gland upon palpation

– currently on 7.5mg methimazole BID and T4 still high; owners claim to be getting meds into the cat OK

– recent biochem and CBC including Calcium is otherwise normal

– ultrasound shows bilateral thyroid enlargement with cystic regions in the right thyroid gland; no regional lymph node enlargement

– 15 year old MN DSH diagnosed with hyperthyroidism however rDVM is having a hard time regulating; concern of mass on the right thyroid gland upon palpation

– currently on 7.5mg methimazole BID and T4 still high; owners claim to be getting meds into the cat OK

– recent biochem and CBC including Calcium is otherwise normal

– ultrasound shows bilateral thyroid enlargement with cystic regions in the right thyroid gland; no regional lymph node enlargement

Is this mostly likely to be functional thyroid adenomas or hyperplasia over andenocarcinoma as both sides are affected? Is there a max methimazole dose that can be tried? I131 therapy has also been discussed with the owner but declined.






great images JP!, They sure

great images JP!, They sure light up on CF. I would 25 g fna each of them and direct pressure +/- cold pack if need be afterwards. It would be a zebra to have adenoca since they are rare in cats and bilateral would be paper worthy but when things don’t make sense the needle is always justified til they do:)

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