Mitral valve endocardiosis?

Mitral valve endocardiosis?

Hello, Sparky is a 14 years old M/N rescue that was diagnosed with CRF, PLN. Abdominal US find an incidental Aortic thrombus. My collegue is considering dental due to severe periodontal disease. I did image the heart despite no murmur or arrhytmia on PE. My questions: – is the apperance of the anterior leaflet of…

Mitral valve endocardiosis?

Hello, Sparky is a 14 years old M/N rescue that was diagnosed with CRF, PLN. Abdominal US find an incidental Aortic thrombus. My collegue is considering dental due to severe periodontal disease. I did image the heart despite no murmur or arrhytmia on PE. My questions: – is the apperance of the anterior leaflet of…

Hypoechoic Renal Cortex DDX

Hello ,   This is a 4 years old F/S that has “chronic innapropiate urination” UA : very cloudy urine USG 1.030, Hematuria with 10-20 / HPF, WBC 20-30 / HPF, Triple phosphate 10-50/ HPF Not responsive to antibiotics (clavamox). Bladder, trigone normal with no urolith or stone, kidneys no pylectasia.


Hello, This is an 11 years old F/S papillon. Albumin is 1.7, normal liver enzymes and Bile Acids, minor abdominal effusion, not proteinuric. Gave 12 ml of Corn oil and I can see the “foggy mucosa with speckling” . Highly suggestive of PLE, do you agree? What is the stomach wall hypoechoic nodule? I assume…

ectopic ureter rule out

Ellie is a 10 month old large mixed breed that presented for incontinence. She is incontinent. WE rule out UTI, urolith, crystalls. Now the question is : Can we say there is no ectopic ureter based on this US exam/ findings. I can see the opening / flushes of both ureters but the right one…

Splenic Myelolipomas/Lymphoma

This is a 15 year old cat that is anorexic. In the past responded well to Prednisolone trial for presumptive IBD/Lymphoma. U/S findings : Multiple hyperechoic nodules in the spleen, Hyperechoic liver, SI-duodenum have an increase muscularis to mucosa ratio and even more pronounced like 2: 1 Muscularis to mucosa in ileum. Reactive fat surrounding…

Neoplastic lesion on the scapula

Hello, Winston is a 12 years old mixed breed that cam in limping and very painfull at spine/shoulder palpation. X-rays of the right front leg were suggestive showed radiolucency on the scapula at the site of acromion. We took some FNB samples under U/S guidance and I will post some pictures of that region. Cytology…

chylothorax and ASD?

Hello, I have a young (15 months) Min Schnautzer that came in respirtatory distress. We tapped him and got 975 ml of chile. After the procedure I wanted quicky to check his pericardium and right side heart. Is this ASD or suspect of ASD ? Can this be the reason for his cylothorax. I know…

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