Aortic insufficiency
-12 year old dog, presented for wheezing and mild cough. Not febrile or very sick. -Radiographs show cardiomegaly. Other vet was worried about DCM or pericardial effusion. -No murmur present. -mild AI (congenital?) with mild cardiac remodeling. As far as I can tell, the valve looks ok. No other leaking valves. Values are:LA 2.43, Ao…
-Adult neutered male Mini Schnauzer mix -4 day history of vomiting (may be a little longer, I’m at home and a little fuzzy on this history) -non-specific bloodwork, cPLI abnormal. Right limb pancreas looks normal, left appears to have some surrounding inflammation -Is this gastric wall consistent with gastritis and vomiting? Just want to make…
Gastric/pyloric abnormality
-11 year old neutered male Dachshund, evaluated for PU/PD -right adrenal mass, non-specific focal abdominal inflammation near pancreas (but pancreas looked fine), and bilateral pyelectasia noted -Incidental finding of this area in the attached images at the pylorus, what is it? -Pet went to an internist and was scanned again, they did not see a…
Syncopal episode
-10 year old male intact Labrador Retriever -single episode of syncope -Grade 4-5/5 systolic murmur, occasional arrhythmia -significant financial restrictions, have not done separate ECG -Measurements: La:Ao 1.94; %FS – 36%; LVIDd:LVFWd 6.1; EPSS 0.88 (other measurements available). -Significant mitral regurgitation, other valves compentant. No signs of pulmonary hypertension.
Juvenile murmur
I don’t do much echo, especially for congenital defects, but I told the requesting vet I’d see what I could tell her and they would need to follow up with a cardiologist for more details. -12 week old Keeshond puppy, littermate “died of a heart defect” per the owner -requesting vet possibly heard…
Renal failure
-2 year old Yorkshire terrier presented for diarrhea, found to be in renal failure -I was expecting to rule out renal dyplasia vs. infection/toxin. This was not what I was expecting. -There are no clinical signs of a liver shunt and the liver appears normal. The rest of the study was normal aside from the…
Prostatic disease
-Older adult neutered male terrier mix, just adopted, no known history -CC: Dripping urine -I see a heterogeneous prostate and floating echogenic debris in the bladder along with apical wall thickening. -What are the likely ddx with this appearance? Thanks!
Gastric wall pathology?
11 year old female spayed Labrador -recent history of vomiting and weight loss -unremarkable bloodwork Do you see a thickened gastric wall with altered layering?
Image quality, please comment
I have had issues with some images coming off my machine being dark when viewed remotely. It’s not consistent and seems to depend on several things. I’m going to upload one image from each of the 4 probes from my Windows 10 computer then repeat that on my Mac/Apple. Can you comment briefly on your…
Weight loss in a cat
-older DSH, significant vomiting and weight loss over past few months -no significant abnormalities on CBC, panel, T4 -I found a large spleen and a cystic-type mass with associated enlarged lymph node in the right cranial abdomen. I assumed it was pancreas or less likely liver. The appearance is very cystic but I thought it…