What is this?

What is this?

1 year old DSH present for three day history of vomiting and not eating – owner also thought that the patient may have been coughing a so rDVM thought maybe the cat may having been coughing leading to vomiting – history not clear – bloodwork including FIV/FeLeuk Negative  T-39.4C – x-rays show an approx. 1…

ICCJ Intusussception?

– 8 year MN Lab ADR with vomting and diarrhea since New Years – Blood work including cPLI unremarkable – abdominal ultrasound showed mild dilation of some loops of SI; no obstructive patterns in the stomach and a severely dilated colon or cecum (not sure how to tell the difference) at ICCJ. – the ICCJ…


Kacey is an 11 year old male neutered Lhasa cross. History of persistent microscopic hematuria. No histoy of dysuria/poilakuria.  X-rays are negative. Quick US of bladder and prostate. Should I be worried about this prostate? Sorry about the image is turned. Looks fine on my end. I guess you can always turn your head (LOL)…

Caudal Abdominal Mass

Tavi is an 11 year old Border Terrier that came in for an exam. The history was “mild dribbling of urine” Clinical workup revealed the following x-rays and ultrasound. In the end Tavi was taken to surgery and had this mass removed. The source of the mass was the bladder wall. The final histopath diagnosis…

Ultrasound guided FNA for bone neoplasia

– 7 year old FS American Bull dog presented with painful swelling on left elbow – referring DVM sent me this x-ray which is dark but soft tissue swelling is seen as well as some cortical disruption of of the boney surface on the medial aspect of the distal humerus – she has requested an…

Vitamin D Toxicosis

Internal medicine question. No x-rays or ultrasound images. Young 4 year old Porty on Nutrix food that was just recalled for to much Vitamin D in the food. The profile was normal in this dog including the calcium, ionized calcium and PTH. The Vitamin D level was around 1500- very elevated. My ?- is there…

Acute Renal Failure

Lily is a 3 year 10 month old DSH that come in to our clinic with a BUN of 127, Creat 12 and Phosphorus over 16. No history of poision ingestion. She had a denal at our clinic with horrible teeth. Multiple extractions. One shot of Mloxicam was given (proper dosing) and Buprenorphine was dispensed….

Feline Pyloric Mass

– 4 year old obese FS DSH presented with history of chronic vomiting and painful cranial abdomen – blood work and survery rads unremarkable – US shows a uniformly echogenic mass in the lumen of the pylorus right at the pyloro-duodenal junction with positive blood flow on power and colour Doppler; no obstructive pattern in…


– 9 year old FS small breed canine mixed presented for suspected pancreatitis last week – rDVM treated symptomatically and now patient is very much improved but wanted an ultrasound – abdominal ultrasound consistent with an enlarged pancreas, local steatitis and small pockets of effusion – in the left limb there is a large fluid-filled…

Vomiting/Loss of appetite

Boots is an 11 1/2 year old M/N tabby that has a 1 week history of vomiting and loss of appetite. No history of FB ingestion. Mild pain upon abdominal palpation. Labs pending. I was wondering if I can get some feedback on the abdominal x-rays and 2 cine loops of the stomach. Per owner…

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