Feline hyperaldosteronism

Feline hyperaldosteronism

13 yr old fs feline Tortoiseshell with history of vomiting and lethargy Chemistry profile shows hypokalemia (3.2), T4 was wnl aldosterone level is >900 abdominal ultrasound shows normal adrenal glands (<4.0mm), mild splenomegaly, prominent, hypoechoic pancreas, and thickened small intestinal muscularis layer What is the most common cause for hyperaldosteronism in cats?  How often is it due to…

Image trouble shooting

I performed an echo on an obese 9 year old mn Chihuahua this am and had difficulty getting good images.  The images were fuzzy and there was lots of lung interference.  I was able to get 2D measurements on the trans LV views.  The measurements were all normal except for mildly decreased LVIDd.  The heart…

Bladder mucous ball vs. ureterocele

1 and 1/2 year old mn fel DLH chronic hematuria and pollakiuria U/A shows hematuria and a few triple phosphate crystals Bladder US pics show gravity dependent echogenic debris some of which looks like a pseudocyst Is this a mucous ball or could this be a ureterocele?

Renal lymphoma vs. Renal dysplasia

4 and 1/2 year old mn DSH presented with weight loss and decreased appetite PE shows BCS 4/9, Grade 3/6 cardiac murmur with occ arrhythmia CBC shows HCT=28%, Chemistry profile shows BUN=75 mg/dl, Creat=3.6mg/dl, amy=3030 IU/L, Ca=10.9mg/dl, K=3.1 mEq/L, Na:K=49, T4=0.9mcg/dl U/A shows USG=1.017, trace protein, 1+ occult blood,  4-10 CaOx dihydrate crystals/hpf, 4-10 Ca Phos…

Palliative tx for probable hemangiosarcoma

12 yr old mn labX hx of chronic cough, decreased energy, and inappetence Chest radiographs show nodules consistent with metastatic disease Abdominal ultrasound was wnl except for pericardial effusion seen cranial to the diaphragm Echocardiogram shows an approximately 3 x 5cm right atrial mass that appears to be extending into the right ventricle on right…

Is renal dysplasia an ultrasound diagnosis or do you need a bx?

4 month old unilateral cryptorchid intact male Golden Retreiver Recently diagnosed with renal failure BUN is 84, urine is isosthenuric (don’t have access to all lab values yet), urine culture is negative Can I call this congenital renal dysplasia or is it possible for some severe infection (Lyme, Lepto) to still be on the list? …

Follow up recommendations for asymptomatic PKD cats

I am putting together a list of follow up recommendations for 2 young (1 and 1/2 year old), asymptomatic Persian cats with bilateral polycystic kidney disease.  At this point in time, the cortical cysts are small (<0.6cm) and there is ample normal renal tissue still present.  I would like to hear other people’s thoughts on diagnostic tests…

Show and Tell video clips and histopath

The histopathology came back as liver carcinoid.  Here are 2 video clips of the right liver and gall bladder: [videoembed id=6888] [videoembed id=6889] The histopathology came back as liver carcinoid.  Here are 2 video clips of the right liver and gall bladder:

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